@misc{81206, author = {Inna Polichtchouk and Peter Bechtold and Massimo Bonavita and Richard Forbes and Sean Healy and Robin Hogan and Patrick Laloyaux and Michael Rennie and Tim Stockdale and Nils Wedi and Michail Diamantakis and Johannes Flemming and Stephen English and Lars Isaksen and Filip VĂ¡na and Sonja Gisinger and Nicholas Byrne}, title = {Stratospheric modelling and assimilation}, abstract = {

Accurate representation of the stratosphere in NWP models is important for accurate analysis/reanalysis products. It is also important for extended-range and seasonal forecasting because stratospheric variability can influence tropospheric weather patterns on these timescales. This paper reviews the current status and recent modelling and assimilation advances with regards to the stratosphere at ECMWF. The future evolution of ECMWF's Earth System model and assimilation are outlined with a particular focus on the upper atmosphere. Examples are also shown of stratosphere-troposphere coupling for extended-range timescales, while discussing selected processes and their simulation that could improve this aspect of longer-range predictive skill.

}, year = {2021}, journal = {ECMWF Technical Memoranda}, number = {877}, month = {01/2021}, publisher = {ECMWF}, url = {https://www.ecmwf.int/node/19875}, doi = {10.21957/25hegfoq}, language = {eng}, }