Olivier Iffrig

Research Software Engineer
Forecast, Development, Data Processing Services


Olivier has a professional background in high-performance computing and data handling. He joined ECMWF in October 2018. His main duties are supporting the building and deployment of ECMWF software and contributing to various internal and external projects requiring high-throughput data transport such as the NextGenIO and Maestro EU-funded projects.

Professional interests:
  • High-performance computing
  • Exascale data handling
  • Machine learning
  • Numerical methods
Career background:


Computer Scientist at ECMWF


Research Engineer at Maison de la Simulation, CEA Saclay, France – Computational fluid dynamics for astrophysics


PhD candidate in the Astrophysics Division, CEA Saclay, France – Large-scale simulations of the interstellar medium


Master's degree in Modelling and Simulation, École Normale Supérieure de Cachan, France